The Kids
Akdar Shriners is an organization comprised of various types of people, from all walks of life. Some are more educated than others, while some are better off financially than others. However, what they do have in common; is bringing happiness to children and helping those in need of medical care get that medical care they deserve.
To an Akdar Shriner, there is nothing better than a child’s smile as he shakes hands with a clown and gets a balloon while watching the Shriner Parade. Or the laughs and smiles at a circus as they watch animals and trainers perform tricks and circus performers do stunts. As they tumble out of their mini cars dressed in funny costumes and funny hats, the laughter of children, from birth to 18 years, is what Adkar Shriners are all about. This is why Shrine Hospitals are one of the best medical places for children with burns, diseases, illnesses and injuries. Doctors the world over know that when a child needs medical care of the highest quality, they can refer them to a Shriner or a Mason and know they are going to be in good hands. The finest trained specialists are found in Shriners Hospitals for Children.
To an Adkar Shriner, there is nothing better than a child’s laughter or a child’s smile.